Wednesday, May 4, 2011
How the Caged Bird Sings.
Unlock front door.
Unlock Gate on my front door...(freedom).
Unlock gate on Laundry shed.
Unlock Shed door...(start laundry).
Lock Laundry shed door.
Unlock gate on the Jorgensens' back door
Unlock back door...(Chat with the Jorgensens)
Latch Gate to back door.
(An hour later)
Unlock Laundry shed door...(Change laundry cycle).
Lock Shed Door.
*Repeat steps above approximately 6 times.
(Heading to town)
Lock my front door.
Lock my Burglar gate.
Unlock the deadbolt and unlatch front gate to our plot.
Close gate and latch.
(Return from town)
Open and unlatch gate to plot...(Park)
Close latch. Lock Gate.
Unlock Burglar gate to my cottage.
Unlock my front door.
Lock my front door.
Unlatch the J's back door gate.
Lock the J's back door.
Lock the Burglar gate to the back door.
Unlock my front door.
Lock my Burglar gate.
Lock my Front door.
PHEW. Locked in my little cage for the night!
I'm exhausted just writing it out. You must know too that this does not include any car keys being used and excluded me forgetting anything...which I ALWAYS do once multiple gates are locked. So strange and yet so normal. Oh, keys, I've got a lot of you.