Thursday, April 29, 2010

Things I Love and Adore Part II.

Number 2:
Being an Auntie to Joshua and Anika Jorgensen.

There is just something delicious about hearing my name, “Annie”...(used to be Aaaan-TEE, then Addy, a variation of daddy-we are getting there!) shouted with excitement or gently said with as much endearment as a nearly-two year old can muster up every time I enter the house, or the room for that matter.
I love love love these Jorgensen kiddos.
What a privilege to be a part of their lives, watch them grow up, and be their Auntie who gets unending affection and love.
I adore it.


Unknown said...

Things I love you
Very much. very much indeed.

Jenna said...

Well, that works out perfectly as I LOVE AND ADORE YOU too. Miss you, drinking tea right now and thinking about our cozy tea night. Praying you are well darling.

Cassie said...

Jenna Kay.

yup, it's official i adore you!

you are amazing. brave. strong and not hard to love!!! i just wish Bots and Oregon were more like neighbors than distant relatives!

love ya loads,
