I took a teenager to lunch today.
It was a delicious lunch, but that's not the point.
The point is that God told me to.
And I did it.
I drove two hours to town and back with a teenager who I have grown to love.
I listened.
I talked some.
But mostly I listened.
We ate lunch.
And I drove her home.
It was an ordinary thing to do, but somehow deep down I know that God was working.
God was breathing on the ordinary.
In these days I am struck with the truth that God continually calls us to ordinary tasks. Who would ever think that it would be worth the sacrifice to move half way around the world to fold and staple Bible reading plans, cut church invitations, transcribe Bible college courses, paint church signs, prepare Sunday School games, and take a teenager to lunch? But, these are the sorts of things I do and they are worth it. They are ordinary and simple.
For I, too, am ordinary and simple.
But my God, He loves these sort of things.
The ordinary tasks that He establishes for us to do become the target of His very breath.
He speaks, we obey, and then He breathes on the things we do.
He can make a stapled reading plan give a new believer strength to dig into the Word of God.
He can make the church invite become an invitation to a party that will last all of eternity.
He can use the Bible courses to feed the pastors who are called to shepherd their flocks.
He can use a Sunday School game to demonstrate His love for little children.
He can use an ordinary lunch to minister to the heart of a teenager.
In all these things, I am small but my God shows Himself to be Great.
Whatever God has called you to do today, obey Him.
For in that obedience amidst the ordinary things of life, the Living God will breath and cause the “ordinary” to yield eternal consequences for His Glory and Renown.